About Us
We Create Educational Programs
The Kids on Colorado River Program was created to educate students on boating safety, river recreation, how to become stewards of the Colorado River’s ecology, the history of Lake Havasu, and to be aware of the many career opportunities available…
Our Mission
Kids on the Colorado River is designed to revitalize local community student knowledge about a variety of Colorado River topics that have been missing from their education for decades. Through this powerful program, students who will be our future workforce or community leaders will now have the resources and information to support and nurture our community waterway as they continue into adulthood.

We provide education on Boating Safety, Wildlife, Ecology, History,
Indian Reservation Fundamentals, and River Recreation surrounding the Lake Havasu area utilizing approved agency resources.

WE Develop Community Stewardship
Students learn about the river and its sensitive balance between nature, ecology and tourism. They become community stewards and learn what it means to help manage and protect our rivers local resources.

Students receive hands-on interactive education utilizing agency staff and resources. Practicing first response efforts, safety-throwing devices, and water ecology testing are just some of the things introduced during this exciting all day program.
We have numbers that push us to reach our annual goal each year. Through
your donations, we can not only achieve these goals but also increase the
number of students we can reach each year with multiple educational programs. We are happy to be growing the programs and helping our community more day by day.
50 +
Children To Reach in 2021
450 +
Children To Reach in 2022
500 +
Children To Reach in 2023
900 +
Children To Reach in 2024
Parents and children love our educational program and website! Read what they have to say about our live outdoor program. Discover why students and their families choose us for educational river safety, ecology, recreation and creative engagement.
Makes me Realize how much I haven't seen
Step into a captivating visual journey through our gallery, showcasing vibrant artwork, captivating photos, and memorable moments of joy and discovery. Immerse yourself in the colorful world of imagination and creativity that awaits in our kids' website gallery.